The Fifth Node

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Main Characters
Ra'vayn Sirisborn
AKA: Ravan
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Node Village, Water Vale
Race: Half human, half wild-fae
Notes: Ra'vayn, nicknamed Ravan, was born to a human carpenter and a wilderness faerie of unknown breed. Though accepted out of respect for his father, he was ill-treated during his youth after his parent's mysterious disappearance. He spent a great deal of time exploring the wild woods around the Water Village, as well as learning the secrets of Vale magics. He has since returned to the village and earned his own reputation among the villagefolk as a powerful Water Adept. His treatment as a youth has been conveniently "forgotten" by the villagers, and Ravan has not seen any reason to pursue the matter.

Three years ago, he met Catherine Anaborn near the edge of the Vale. They have been fast friends, and have become closer over the years. Although there have been no official ceremonies, Catherine has moved to the Water Village to live with him. The pragmatic Waterfolk treat them as married in all but name.

Ravan wears his pitch-black hair long. His right eye is a deep purple, while the left is pure black. His "dark eye" is the only outward sign of his faerie heritage. While usually only a glossy black, it will sometimes reflect strong moods and use of powerful magics.

Catherine Anaborn
AKA: Cath, Cat
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Wilderness, Fire Vale
Race: Half human, half dragon
Notes: Catherine is a half-breed born of half-breeds. While true dragons vanished from the Four Vales centuries ago, their human-born progeny have remained. Half-dragons often retain the desire for seclusion inherent in their blood line, so Catherine was raised in the woods near the Fire Node Village. She saw humans only a few times in her youth. As she grew to adulthood, she chose her own path and sought out the village on her own. Cath has since become a noted Adept, specializing in Fire but with a strange aptitude for all four Elemental Magics. Since the segregation of individual half-dragon blood lines died out long ago, this may be a side effect of mixed breeding.

Catherine's hair is a coppery red inherited from her father. Her eyes are a brilliant, almost unnatural, green - her slitted pupils are a common trait among dragon bloodlines.

Other Characters
Notes: Ra'vayn's mother, who disappeared mysteriously 15 years ago. There are many breeds of wild fae, and it is not known of which she derives. The villagers only ever saw her in her human shape.
Siris Geranborn
Notes: Ra'vayn's father, a well-respected carpenter native to the Water Node Vale. He disappeared along with his wife, Mor'ayn, 15 years ago.
Ana Makisborn
Notes: Catherine's mother, nearly pure bred from a Fire dragon line. She lives with her husband Patris in a hidden cave in the Fire Vale.
Patris Lukeborn
Notes: Catherine's father, a jovial mixed-breed half-dragon. His ancestors have been such a mixed lot that very few Element-traits are visible on him.
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